Project Team Parietal

Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Parietal

Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Digiteo: Hidinim Project

Participants : Bertrand Thirion [Correspondant] , Virgile Fritsch.

High-dimensional Neuroimaging– Statistical Models of Brain Variability observed in Neuroimaging

This is a joint project with Select project team and with SUPELEC Sciences des Systèmes (E3S), Département Signaux & Systèmes Électroniques (A. Tennenhaus).

Statistical inference in a group of subjects is fundamental to draw valid neuroscientific conclusions that generalize to the whole population, based on a finite number of experimental observations. Crucially, this generalization holds under the hypothesis that the population-level distribution of effects is estimated accurately. However, there is growing evidence that standard models, based on Gaussian distributions, do not fit well empirical data in neuroimaging studies.

In particular, Hidinim is motivated by the analysis of new databases hosted and analyzed at Neurospin that contain neuroimaging data from hundreds of subjects, in addition to genetic and behavioral data. We propose to investigate the statistical structure of large populations observed in neuroimaging. In particular, we will investigate the use of region-level averages of brain activity, that we plan to co-analyse with genetic and behavioral information, in order to understand the sources of the observed variability. This entails a series of modeling problems that we will address in this project: i) Distribution normality assessment and variables covariance estimation, ii) model selection for mixture models and iii) setting of classification models for heterogeneous data, in particular for mixed continuous/discrete distributions.

Digiteo: MMoVNI project

Participants : Bertrand Thirion [Correspondant] , Pierre Fillard, Viviana Siless, Stéphanie Allassonnière, Hao Xu.

This is a joint project with CMAP http://www.cmapx.polytechnique.fr/~allassonniere/ , for the 2010-2013 period.

Modelling and understanding brain structure is a great challenge, given the anatomical and functional complexity of the brain organ. In addition to this, there is a large variability of these characteristics among the population. To give a possible answer to these issues, medical imaging researchers proposed to construct a template image. Most of the time, these analysis only focus on one category of signals (called modality), in particular, the anatomical one was the main focus of research these past years. Moreover, these techniques are often dedicated to a particular problem and raise the question of their mathematical foundations. The MMoVNI project aims at building atlases based on multi-modal images (anatomy, diffusion and functional) data bases for given populations. An atlas is not only a template image but also a set of admissible deformations which characterize the observed population of images. The estimation of these atlases will be based on a new generation of deformation and template estimation procedures that builds an explicit statistical generative model of the observed data. Moreover, they enable to infer all the relevant variables (parameters of the atlases) thanks to stochastic algorithms. Lastly, this modeling allows also to prove the convergence of both the estimator and the algorithms which provides a theoretical guarantee to the results. The models will first be proposed independently for each modality and then merged together to take into account, in a correlated way, the anatomy, the local connectivity through the cortical fibers and the functional response to a given cognitive task. This model will then be generalized to enable the non-supervised clustering of a population. This leads therefore to a finer representation of the population and a better comparison for classification purposes for example. The Neurospin center, partner of this project, will allow us to have access to databases of images of high-quality and high-resolution for the three modalities: anatomical, diffusion and functional imaging. This project is expected to contribute to making neuroimaging a more reliable tool for understanding inter-subject differences, which will eventually benefit to the understanding and diagnosis of various brain diseases like Alzheimer's disease, autism or schizophrenia.